Friday, December 26, 2008

Cool things happening

OK - I went out and bought some more exercise DVDs and equipment with the attitude of DO IT OR DIE. Let's hope it's not the latter. Yeah - God Bless the favorite time of the year to cook and eat.....and eat.....and eat. I also love to crochet, so I made lots of hats & neck scarfs as presents this year for friends and family. People tell me all the time I should go into business making things and selling them. Right.....even if I charged MINIMUM wage - some of these take as many as 30 hours to make. With the price of yarn I use - $5.99 to $6.99 a skien - where it takes 6 to 7 skiens, can see the cost would be up there. If I went by those calculations, a hat and scarf set would cost over $300.00! lol Soooooo - I just make them and give them away as presents.
I'm really looking forward to getting into my exercise routine now that the holidays are over and I don't have to make any more gifts. I've also been talking with a guy from one of the major bicycle manufacturers and he is very interested in partnering up with us for the ride. It'll be great to finally get a road bike to practice with. Of course, I would need an indoor trainer for the bike until the warm weather gets here, but that's OK. I'll be used to it by then.
January will be a big month for me, because I'll be taking a class to get a certification so I can go into shelters to speak with women. I'm just finishing up my essay to summarize my life that will be published in a book to be released this summer and I'll be meeting with a publicist to put together a book deal about my life......which will be leading up to the glorious bike ride we will be doing in 2009! Too exciting.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It Is Time

OK, Kiddies, I have been sitting behind this computer for so long that my hips are starting to look like battleships. It is now time for me to get in shape, so like Joshua - I am on a quest for MUSKLES! That means.....No more Pizza and Beer......No more Frostys from Wendys.....No More PROCRASTINATING!!! I solemnly vow that if I procrastinate, I will do it NOW!!! I will live my life in the moment and worry not what will happen if I take another bite of that cheeeeeesecake that bekons my name everytime I pass the fridge. I will NOT listen to nay-sayers who tell me, "What? You don't want to start getting in shape NOW.....NOT before the holidays!! You look fine just the way you are" Look - I'm going to need every second I can muster to climb on that bike and peddle these battleships across the country; however, I'm hoping by that time they are more like skis! Yep....I'm really gonna do it and if I'm going to be miserable, By George, I will let you know every pain I experience so you can support me in my misery - at least until it all starts feeling good after I get past that initial know, when taking a deep breath and holding until the count of four makes you feel as if you have had a good workout. Brenda Underwood told me that I should go to the store and get one of those exercise balls to sit on while I am working on my computer so I can strengthen my core muscles. I did that last night, so right this very minute, I am rocking back and forth on my exercise ball as I am typing. Gee - working out is great, isn't it?
Also, I'm still in communication with bicycle manufacturers for sponsorship of our ride next year, so at least my mouth is getting in shape......Well, it's a start. :-)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

September 18, 2008

There's not much I haven't done in my life to make a living. When I was younger, I tried being a secretary, but just couldn't cut the 9 - 5 lifestyle. Maybe because I was a bit too free spirited for the daily grind. I got fired from a job once....well, actually I called in sick and they told me just not to come back in. It was a job at a finance company I got through an employment agency, where I had to call people who were behind on their accounts and tell them if they didn't get the payment in we would take them to court. I just didn't have the heart for that one. If I called someone and they gave me a sob story, I would say, "Ohhhhhh, I'm so sorry to hear that.....I hope things get better for you really soon. You just pay whenever you get the money."

One of the supervisors asked me one time when this one lady I called was going pay her bill. I told her, "Well, she doesn't have it right now because her husband just had surgery and the kids had to start school and she had to buy them clothes....." The supervisor demanded, "Well, what did you tell her?" I replied, "I just told her to pay whenever she got the money and that I was sorry things weren't going well." With that, the angry supervisor snatched that stack of phone numbers I was to call off of my desk and went and called all of the people herself to tell them she would take them to court if they didn't pay. I knew I couldn't hack a job like that, so I called in sick the next day. When the office head told me not to come back in, I said, "Oh, Thank God....I just can't do this job!" He told me I would make a good secretary because I had the skills, but I definately couldn't be a collection agent. Whew! Thank God that job ended.

I was always in talent shows throughout my elementary and high school years, so a singer is what I wanted to be when I grew up. When I finally made it to the age of 21 and legal to be in bars, I joined a band and traveled the East Coast singing in lounges. I moved to Florida when I turned 26 and got a job at Cypress Recording Studio in Jacksonville Beach. I sang demos and did back-up on other people's records. I had two 45 rpm records pressed to vinyl....did you catch that? I said "vinyl"....not CD. Goes to show you how long ago that was!....I guess when you have it in your blood from childhood, it's there for life. I have also done voiceovers, commercials, jingles and I play guitar and keyboard. I've done weddings, anniversaries, private parties and corporate gigs, but mainly sang in clubs and bars. If you want to hear a little bit of what I've done you can visit me at Barbara on MySpace. These songs were recorded at my shows, so don't expect anything too great. LOL Only one was professionally is a duet I sang with John Anthony.

I was with Second City for several years and took all of the classes in Improv, Acting, Improv For Actors and Comedy Writing. Having a sense of humor has gotten me through the tough times in my life and I believe it is important to never lose your sense of humor or you'll become a very bitter person. I have done inspirational speaking to women and girls for 20 years and use music and comedy to break the ice. I'm excited to be associated with all of the great people who are going on this journey next year, as they all have something to say to help people have a more positive attitude towards life. I know that the combined energy of all who are going will make a difference in the lives of people around the world. It's also exciting that we will be the first ones to do something of this magnitue to raise awareness of child abuse, teen dating abuse and domestic violence.......not in a negative way, but to say....YOU ARE NOT STUPID.....YOU ARE NOT WORTHLESS.....YOU WERE MEANT TO BE BORN.....THERE IS A PURPOSE FOR YOU IN THIS LIFE.....YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.....YOU CAN HAVE A LIFE OF LOVE.....YOU ARE WORTHY OF BEING LOVED.....AND - YOU DON'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH ADVERSITY THROUGH VIOLENCE. I wish everybody could be on this train.

BARBARA BROWER - Chicago, Illinois

I am grateful and excited that I've been given this opportunity to raise awareness to the world about child abuse, teen dating abuse and domestic violence and believe that lives will be changed for the better as a result. As a child, I was severely abused by my mother, which paved the way of a "being the victim" lifestyle for me. When I entered my teen years, I always chose the guys who were jealous, abusive and wanted to use me as a punching bag. When I went into my 20's, I married a guy who treated me like his father treated his mother and he beat me on a regular basis. I left him after a year of marriage on my birthday - which was the best present I ever gave myself - but it wasn't over. I didn't know what it was like to have a man love me unconditionally....I thought I was dumb, stupid, ugly and would never amount to anything because that's what my mother told me throughout my childhood and teen years. I chose one abusive man after the next - because I didn't know what unconditional love was and I didn't believe I deserved any better. Married 3 times - all to men who (you guessed it) were abusive, I felt I was doomed to a life of misery because I didn't have the knowledge or mental tools to break that pattern.....I didn't know there was a choice. It was a vicious cycle fueled by my insecurity and zero self-esteem of one tragic situation after the next, being raped 3 times and almost killed by one of the guys I was married to.

In the summer of 1986, I guess I had enough and decided I would do whatever it took to change my life around. It had already affected my children and I didn't want to live like that for the rest of my life. I know what it is like to be in the depths of horrid abuse and I know what it is like to come out of it. It is a matter of attitude and making the right choices. The 2 DVD set, DREAM FOR THE STARS - From Victim To Victor, will be a tremendous tool of deliverance and prevention for all who view it. This bicycle ride we will make from Chicago to New York will not only promote this 2 DVD set, but will be our way of shouting to the world that abuse is no longer a closet enemy. We want the victims to know they are not alone and they do not have to accept this as a way of life any longer. To the abusers, we say there is help for you so that your soul can finally find rest in the good things of life instead of the control of a helpless victim. We want everybody to know that even though you might have had a bad beginning, you don't have to have a bad finish and no matter how horrible your childhood was, you can turn it around and have a better future. We are going to film the entire bicycle ride and have it edited into another documentary.

We are here for you.

Love, Barbara

A Bit About Me.......September 16, 2008

I think some people are just born with a sensitive heart. Ever since I was a child, I always had a natural love for people and animals. I never made fun of other kids and it hurt my feelings to hear kids say bad things about other children in the neighborhood or at school. I also had a great love for animals. Almost all of the pictures taken of me when I was a child, there was a cat hanging over my arm or a dog nearby. I had parakeets and 2 squirrel monkeys and the kind of monkey that organ grinders used to have that held a tin cup to collect change from passerbys. My mother screamed one day when I walked in the house with the cutest mole cupped in my hands. I found him in the front yard and thought he had a cute face and little hands like I'd never seen on any other creature. She made my father take me in the car with that little mole so we could let him go in the forest a few miles away. I wanted to keep him, but - Mom said he might bite me or something. I thought he was too cute to bite, but she still wouldn't let me keep him. I had hamsters, mice, gerbils, rats, squirrels, flying squirrels, raccoons, ferrets, possums, a deer, little brown bats and took in every stray I found. I guess I easily identified myself with Ellie Mae Clampet with my endless love for critters and me being so trusting and naive.

Sad movies used to make me cry and if I saw somebody else crying, my eyes would swell with tears. Not that I had emotional diarrhea or anything like that, but if I watched even a game show where someone won the big prize, I would shed tears of joy. Goodbyes were horrible for me....nobody ever got away without me crying like I would never see them again. Geeeeeze.....I used to think that having a sensitive heart was a curse because it seemed like everything was an occasion for tears. I was always too trusting of everybody and just about believed everything that was told to me. Blind trust - not a good thing to have in combination with a sensitive heart. As I got older, I learned it was a wise thing to not jump head first into every situation; but, that lesson came at a great price. I'm thankful those lessons didn't teach me to become bitter or angry at the world. I still have a sensitive heart, still love people and animals and still take in all the strays.

When I lived in Florida, I volunteered my time to B.E.A.K.S. (Bird Emergency Aid Kare Sanctuary), which was founded by Cindy Mosling. She taught me how to take care of baby birds and we became very close friends. Through the years, I learned how to rehabilitate birds who had just been born or shot with a BB gun and helped take care of wildlife that was covered with oil from a spill. People used to call me Snow White, because when I lived in the country, I raised wild birds and animals and released them where I lived. Because the animals knew me from babies, they weren't afraid of me - I guess because when they saw me, they knew I would give them food. When I walked out in the yard, birds would fly out of the trees on my shoulder and squirrels would come up and take things out of my hand. I miss being in the country just for that reason. I have many stories of experiences with animals in Florida while working with Cindy. She's still a part of my heart, along with her husband, Andy. They live in Florida and are still taking care of birds on Big Talbot Island.

Now I'm here in Chicago...I'm excited to be able to do this project to help people see they can have their dreams if they only believe and go for them. Plus....well, I guess I'll never be without animals somewhere around me, and if you'd like to see them, check out the slideshow above!