Saturday, December 13, 2008

It Is Time

OK, Kiddies, I have been sitting behind this computer for so long that my hips are starting to look like battleships. It is now time for me to get in shape, so like Joshua - I am on a quest for MUSKLES! That means.....No more Pizza and Beer......No more Frostys from Wendys.....No More PROCRASTINATING!!! I solemnly vow that if I procrastinate, I will do it NOW!!! I will live my life in the moment and worry not what will happen if I take another bite of that cheeeeeesecake that bekons my name everytime I pass the fridge. I will NOT listen to nay-sayers who tell me, "What? You don't want to start getting in shape NOW.....NOT before the holidays!! You look fine just the way you are" Look - I'm going to need every second I can muster to climb on that bike and peddle these battleships across the country; however, I'm hoping by that time they are more like skis! Yep....I'm really gonna do it and if I'm going to be miserable, By George, I will let you know every pain I experience so you can support me in my misery - at least until it all starts feeling good after I get past that initial know, when taking a deep breath and holding until the count of four makes you feel as if you have had a good workout. Brenda Underwood told me that I should go to the store and get one of those exercise balls to sit on while I am working on my computer so I can strengthen my core muscles. I did that last night, so right this very minute, I am rocking back and forth on my exercise ball as I am typing. Gee - working out is great, isn't it?
Also, I'm still in communication with bicycle manufacturers for sponsorship of our ride next year, so at least my mouth is getting in shape......Well, it's a start. :-)


Anonymous said...

LOL...too funny! I'm pretty sure you're mouth has been in shape for many, many years!!!! You're the best!

Unknown said...

a. Ain't nothing wrong with a frosty every once in a while.

b. I sit on an exercise ball at work. Very comfortable.

I'm writing to you here so you can see some of my artwork. Anyway I was glad to hear from you the other week. I'll call you later about the message you left regarding the documentary. Christmas has kinda flooded me with busy-ness. I hope you don't mind me contacting you here!

Beth Travers said...

I LOVE the exercise ball thing. Off to get myself one.
You are too funny-- eat whatever you want. Want spinach in large quantities. LOL